New E.B. in the Turkish Olympic Committee
July 28, 2016
General Assembly of the OCA
July 28, 2016Mr. Addadi, the special guest at the concluding session of ASMC
The last session of the 6th module of ASMC course was concluded in the best of ways, having as guest of honor the President of the International Mediterranean Games Committee himself, Mr. Amar Addadi.
Mr. Addadi, as one of the contributors of the book “Managing of Olympic Sport Organizations” in his presentation for the organization of a major sporting event, spoke about the role and organization of ICMG, and in particular focused on the case of the Mediterranean Games “Almeria 2005 “, specifically on the strategies and operational management that led to its success.
During his visit, Mr. Addadi was received by the highest officials of sport and the state.
A meeting of particular importance was that with Prime Minister of Albania Mr. Sali Berisha, where he gave a brief overview of the participation of Albania in the Mediterranean Games, which has shown a high performance not only in terms of number of participants, but also in winning numerous medals.
Mr. Addadi declared to the Prime Minister that the cooperation with NOC Albania is excellent and this relationship will continue even further.
On his part, Premier Berisha said that Albanian government will support all NOC activities. He expressed that multilateral cooperation is important and the government will encourage the expansion of the program of cooperation with Mediterranean Games Committee.
Mr. Addadi was received from the NOC Executive Committee as well. The meeting stressed the importance of having the Mediterranean Games in the region and NOC Albania’s commitment to a higher performance.
Mr. Addadi also met briefly with the rector of the University of Sports in Tirana Mr. Vejsel Rizvanolli, and other members of his staff. Mr. Rizvanolli informed the President of ICMG with the latest developments in this institution, investments in infrastructure and human resources, as well as future projects.